创新慢病管理体系 Innovative chronic disease management system
让数字健康走进千家万户 Bringing digital healthcare to every household

智云健康 ClouDr App

智云医汇 ClouDr SaaS

智云医生 Dr. ClouDr

智云互联网医院 ClouDr Individual Solution
智云健康 ClouDr APP
The ClouDr APP is a health management software tailored to those living with chronic diseases, helping them to keep in contact with doctors online and making remote follow-up visits and prescriptions a reality. Moreover, its retail and logistics capabilities have enabled chronic disease patients to enjoy home delivery of drugs and customized disease management
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提升 Building trust
医患间信任感 between patients and doctors

提升 Revolutionizing
病情管理效率 disease management

提升 Facilitating
学术研究效率 academic research

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智云互联网医院 ClouDr Individual Solution
智云医生 Dr. ClouDr
The Dr. ClouDr APP brings together authoritative internists nationwide and real-time interaction with patients with chronic diseases. It aims to provide all-time access to patient data, efficient patient management, and optimized treatment plan, as well as facilitating academic research
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智云问诊 ClouDr Pharmacy Solution
智云药店SaaS系统 SaaS system for pharmacies
ClouDr provides a SaaS platform customized for pharmacies, which, with the guidance of physicians from ClouDr Individual Solution, can supply patients with prescription drugs efficiently while ensuring compliance, bridging users and pharmacies and making safe, high-quality and efficient prescription management possible
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快速处方 Fast Prescription

合规优质 Quality with Compliance

高性价比 Cost-Effectiveness

部分合作方展示 Demo of our partners